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Japan Amateur Sports Association paid a visit to XOM

Publish date:2010-7-9   Pageview: 1772


厦门奥林匹克博物馆 日本国民体质考察团


厦门奥林匹克博物馆 日本国民体质考察团


厦门奥林匹克博物馆 日本国民体质考察团


厦门奥林匹克博物馆 日本国民体质考察团


厦门奥林匹克博物馆 日本国民体质考察团


厦门奥林匹克博物馆 日本国民体质考察团


This morning, Japan Amateur Sports Association paid a visit at the XOM, accompanied by leaders of Sports For All, Genenal Administration of Sport of China, Director of Fujian Sports Bureau Mr. Wang, and the deputy Curator of the XOM.
The Association members and leaders were showned around each exhibition hall, with experiencing the Olympic Fou and stepping onto the podium. They were delighted and amazed at the rich Olympic Memorabilia, among which are collections from the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.  
After the visiting, the guests indicated this special Olympic experience impressed them most, and were touched by the generosity of Ching-kuo, Wu, Curator of XOM, which has a constructive impact on the development of sports in Xiamen, even across China, and plays, will play an important role in interpreting, spreading the Olympic culture during the growth of young generation.