Mr. Long Gao, Chief of Hecuo Police Station and his party visited Xiamen Olympic Museum for safety inspection
Publish date:2021-8-25 Pageview: 1044
In the morning of August 25, 2021, Mr. Long Gao, Chief of Hecuo Police Station and his party visited our museum for safety inspection, accompanied by Ms. Yun Wu, deputy curator of our museum.
Under the guide of Ms. Yun Wu, the guests and their entourage made detailed inquiries about our museum's visitor reception, tourist amount, safety evacuation passage, emergency preplan and etc. Constructive suggestions and comments were also made accordingly.
Further information was also inquired including the fire prevention safety, tickets reservation, rest area and security guard.
It is believed that under the premise of ensuring safety, Xiamen Olympic Museum will try our best to serve the tourists in every possible aspect.