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The President of AIBA, Dr Ching-Kuo Wu has been appointed Chair of Culture and Olympic Heritage Commission of the International Olympic Committee by President of the IOC Thomas Bach

Publish date:2016-4-3   Pageview: 1298


Dr Wu who succeeded Lambis V. Nikolaou, now Honorary Chair of the Commission, and the 30 distinguished commission members will work in partnership with the IOC institutions to promote all the activities of the Olympic Movement that are related to culture in the broadest sense of the term – art, history, focus on values, academic research and patrimonial collections – with a view to enhancing the Olympic ideals as widely as possible, especially among young people all over the world.

The responsibilities of the Culture and Olympic Heritage Commission are to:

  • Help to achieve optimum implementation of the IOC’s cultural action plan: activities of the Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage and Olympic Agenda 2020.
  • Facilitate synergies between the various cultural platforms, communities and bodies within the Olympic Movement: academies, museums, NOC and OCOG culture sections, research centres and universities, and recognised organisations, with a view to achieving better overall impact.
  • Consider ways to develop the cultural activities of the Olympic Movement in the future.

The Culture and Heritage Commission is supported by the Culture and Heritage Department.