Deputy Mayor of Taizhong City Visited XOM
Publish date:2014-6-16 Pageview: 1587
On June 16, Ping-Kun Tsai, deputy mayor of Taizhong city visited XOM.
Mr. Tsai came to XOM with some of the related department officers. Deputy curator of XOM, Ms. Wu presented the situation of cross-straits communication in XOM since its opening day. Mr. Tsai spoke highly of the achievement XOM had got in youth Olympic education. He also expressed that Taiwan teenagers could come to XOM for learning and experiencing Olympics while communicating with mainland teenagers. Mr. Tsai said that XOM, a great platform for cross-straits communication, should take its own advantage and make more contribution on culture communication. In the end, Mr. Tsai wrote an inscription “transcendental ego” aiming at encouraging teenagers to spread Olympic spirit and transcend themselves.
Ms. Wu showed her gratitude for Mr. Tsai’s precious advices and expressed that XOM will paid more attention to cross-straits communication as it always does.