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First Exhibition on 2010 YOG

Publish date:2010-8-20   Pageview: 1648



The opening ceremony of 1st Youth Olympic Games was launched in the evening of 14th Aug. 2010, which implied a special day on the development of modern Olympics, for a new event was included in the Olympic Games ­­­----Youth Olympic Games. At the beginning of Jacques Rogge’s Presidency, he had proposed the idea of establishing Olympic Games for the youth exclusively. Six years later, a resolution was unanimously agreed on at 119th Guatemala IOC session, from which youth across the world had opportunities to show the athletic talents on their own Olympic Games.
“I feel like a father waiting in the delivery room for the birth to happen”, as President Rogge described his expectant feelings for the first Youth Olympic Games, which was founded to help all youth participants foster the Olympic Values of “Excellence, Friendship and Respect” through joining various sports, culture and education programs provided that can influence the life-styles and attitudes of more youngsters. 
The first YOG was carrying on vigorously at Singapore. Some of people may not have a chance of sharing the fantastic competition by attending the events, but they could appreciate some souvenir, including mascots, badges, and countdown stamps alike, about 1st Youth Olympic Games at Xiamen Olympic Museum, where an exhibition was being held for sports fans and exhibited in China for the first time.
TIME: from 21, Aug. to 30, Sep. 2010
SITE: at the Coffee Room, Xiamen Olympic Museum